<sup>11</sup>B  in the form of Boron Trifluoride Gas

11B in the form of Boron Trifluoride Gas

Boron isotopes

Boron trifluoride gas is the ideal silicon wafer dopant for the production of highly integrated, high-density microchips. 11BF3 provides for greater efficiency and increased production throughput, and helps to make chips smaller and better.


Physical Properties:

Material 11B – Boron-11 in the form of Boron Trifluoride Electronic Grade
Enrichment 11B > 99,9 at%

Chemical Properties

Form BF3
Purity > 99,9 wt%

Impurities in vppm

Ar+O2 < 5
CO2 < 10
HF < 5
N2 < 5
SiF4 < 25
SO2 < 10