11B in the form of Boron Trifluoride Gas
Boron trifluoride gas is the ideal silicon wafer dopant for the production of highly integrated, high-density microchips. 11BF3 provides for greater efficiency and increased production throughput, and helps to make chips smaller and better.
Physical Properties:
Material | 11B – Boron-11 in the form of Boron Trifluoride Electronic Grade |
Enrichment | 11B > 99,9 at% |
Chemical Properties
Form | BF3 |
Purity | > 99,9 wt% |
Impurities in vppm
Ar+O2 | < 5 |
CO2 | < 10 |
HF | < 5 |
N2 | < 5 |
SiF4 | < 25 |
SO2 | < 10 |